The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.(Isaiah 61:1)

Bachelor of Business Administration
To acquire the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, a student, in addition to having successfully completed the class and unit requirements for an associate of arts degree (as listed in the previous section) must successfully complete the following courses. A transfer student may have completed equivalent classes at another school, which may on an individual basis be determined by Grace University administration to be transferable. If previously taken classes are determined to be transferable then the unit credit previously earned will be applied toward the B. A. degree at Grace University. However, no more than 134 quarter units can be transferred under any circumstances.
Notice to Prospective Degree Program Students
This institution is approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education to offer degree programs. To continue to offer degree programs, this institution must meet the following requirements:
• Become institutionally accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, with the scope of the accreditation covering at least one degree program.
• Achieve accreditation candidacy or pre-accreditation, as defined in regulations, by July 1, 2017, and full accreditation by July 1, 2020.
If this institution stops pursuing accreditation, it must:
• Stop all enrollment in its degree programs, and
• Provide a teach-out to finish the educational program or provide a refund.
An institution that fails to comply with accreditation requirements by the required dates shall have its approval to offer degree programs automatically suspended.
Institutional Representative Initials:______ Student Initials:______
Date: ________________ Date: ______________”
General Education / Lower Division Courses (88 Quarter Units)
All courses are 4 quarter Units unless otherwise noted.
ENGL 101 Written Communication
ENGL 201 Expository Writing I
PHIL 150 Critical Thinking
SPCH 150 Oral Communication
CHR 111A Christian Ethics
CHR 111B Christian Leadership
MATH 101 Mathematics for Business
ART 101 History of Western Art
PHIL 151 Philosophy of Knowledge, Ideas, and Human Values
GEO 101 Geography of the Bible Lands
ENV101 Environmental Studies
HIST 101 United States Civilization
HIST102 History of Christianity
POLS 155 Political Science
SOC 103 Sociology
PSYC 101 Psychology
ACCT 201 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
ECON 181 Economics
FIN 207 Introduction to Business Finance
LAW 101 Foundations of Business Law
MGT 191 Introduction to Management
MIS 111 Management Computer Systems
Required Upper Division Courses (92 Quarter Units)
All courses are 4 quarter Units unless otherwise noted.
BA 301 Principles of Marketing
BA 302 Applied Business and Economic Statistics
BA 303 Production and Operations Management
BA 304 Small Business Finance
BA 305 Business Responsibility in Society
BA 306 Business Law
BA 307 Christian Ethics in Business
BA 308 Managerial Accounting
BA 309 Management Information Systems
BA 401 Management Theory and Practice
BA 402 Non-Profit Organization Management
BA 403 Integrated Decision-Making in Business
BA 404 Comparative Management
BA 405 Business Communications
MATH 301 Quantitative Methods in Business
ENG 301 Expository Writing II
ENG 302 Communication Theory
IBA 401 International Business
IBA 402 International Marketing Management
IBA 403 Principles of International Economics
IBA 404 Import-Export Management
IBA 405 Multinational Financial Management
IBA 406 Public Relations Methods for Multinational Bus.